i have wanted chickens for awhile, but resisted until recently reading Made From Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life, by Jenna Woginrich . although i am not ready to jump on the self-suffiency/homesteading bandwagon fulltime, i sincerely appreciate jenna's effort to promote this lifestyle and make it accessible to a generation used to hopping in the car and heading to the store for anything and everything. personally, i LIKE cooking and making things from scratch, and feel when i focus on the projects and people within the walls of my home i have less time to worry about the things in all of our lives, over which we have no control.
bad economy? no jobs? global warming? terrible issues, all of them. pardon me, for not worrying any more than i already have (it's been a lot). for now i will be peering over the edge of a box watching newborn chicks do nothing more than peck at pine shavings, enjoying sights like this
and feeling that at least for now, all is right in our little world. even if it is a little blurry. :)