I have a secret confession. There is something in my garage, which haunts me every time I go out there. When Henry was a baby I had the BRILLIANT idea to start a line of denim. These wouldn't be just any jeans. No! The would be eco-friendly! Locally made! Flattering, but not so low your underwear stuck out! It would be great! I could work and have Henry with me so he didn't have to go to daycare! Hey--if
this chick could do it, so could I! So I jumped in. Business licenses. RN number. Fabric. Thread. Zippers. Buttons. Sewing contractor in San Francisco.
Kathleen Fasanella's wonderful book from front to back about a bajillion times.
Can we see where this is going?
Lots of money later (the credit cards are STILL being paid off from this one!) it was finally time to pick up the finished product from my man in the city. And guess what? They were HORRIBLE. Awful. As in I wouldn't even donate them to charity because there is no way I would ever expect anyone to wear them awful.
Now, five years later, I have finally tied up the loose ends from this adventure (as in the people in the local tax office trying to collect $ on profit, which was never made) and am actually really grateful for the experience because I learned a lot. The experience is behind me, but I still have a few reminders. Like the eighty 4" jeans zippers and 40 plus yards of hemp/cotton denim in the garage.
That denim has stared at me for five years, daring me to find a new use for it! I just left it alone because it intimidated me. Until the chickens needed something to line the walls of their brooder. Once I cut off those few yards for the chickies, I finally had enough courage to use some for myself. So, a few night ago I made this bag...

The infamous denim, a thrifted (machine-made) lace table runner, some of my favorite (also thrifted) plaid for the lining, and leather straps (remnants from the re-do of my
I used it last night for the first time, and I think I love it.