Since I have not done a FRIDAY FREEBIE for the past few weeks, how about a WEDNESDAY FREEBIE? Please leave a comment of any sort on this post and tomorrow morning I will randomly choose one person to win the kit shown below.

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How adorable! Lol I love when I find old goodies I has stashed :)
(Don't pick me cuz you just sent me an awesome goodie) But these little kits are awesome!!! Love that owl paper! And the truck print! You need to start advertising your shop! Such great stuff in there!! Hope you're having a great Thursday!!! xoxo
Oh! And your fb comment on the real baby...what's yours name? Post pics of her! LOL I wish I still had mine!
oooh what fun little kits. looove the photo of the vintage truck. i agree with jamie, you have so awesome cuteness in your shop :]
thanks, girlies! you are the best. the truck is a gocco print of a photo i took. our friend, miguel, is sticking his head out the window, but he is kind of hard to see! i'm getting ready to start promoting soon--i wanted to make sure i had enough stuff in there first!
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