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Just a little hint as to why I have been somewhat absent in this space recently... I am working on a big project, which I am (and I hope you will be!!) in absolute love with. More details are coming soon!

In the meantime, I am taking very seriously the lovely advice from Tara and will soon establish some more concrete blogging routines (aka a schedule!). A weekly tutorial is definitely in the cards. Is there anything else you would like to see more of?

Hope your weekend was a lovely one!


JenCoen said...

oooh, i can't wait to see what you are up to!!
miss you tons girl!!

Katherine said...

you, too, jen! i was just thinking yesterday how there needs to be a california road trip soon!

Anonymous said...

Yep. I need to come up with some sort of schedule/weekly post as well. It's just a scattered mess now! Maybe "A Day in the Life Of.." style post?

janel. said...

What!?! There will be deco tape too?? eeeek!

Katherine said...

@miss wanderlust: YESSSS! a box of it arrived today!

Jamie said...

Yayyy!!! I can't wait!!! So exciting!!!! I'm proud of you!!! xo

Katherine said...

thanks, jamie! hugs!!

BuenoBueno said...

how long have you been collecting dolls?
i never got into it, my sister did though, started with american girls...
check out our valentine DIY project:)
DIY project up! http://muchomuchobuenobueno.blogspot.com/2010/02/diy-heart-garland-2-kinds.html